<Three Things I Know to be True>
Today, I want to share three things I know to be true with you. There are so man;y things I want to tell you, some of them funny and some of them strange. But here, I will tell you about three things that are quite unique and interesting about myself. I hope you enjoy my post.
Traveling makes me have odd experiences. When I was 9 years old, I was traveling in China with my family. After a long day of touring, I went into the bathroom in our hotel room, which was clean and neat, and turned the knob to wash my hands which was dirty with dust. When the water poured down from the tap, I saw something strange in it. The water's color should be transparent but it was brown with dirt. I was astonished but later on I knew that there was a problem with the water system, and it was a common thing in China.
Drawing gives me inspiration. I once wrote a short novel about a princess, who was the heir of the country. But since another country invaded, she lost everything. She was even called a traitor. My friends said that it was sad and miserable, but a interesting story. I got the inspiration of this story when I was drawing a picture. At first, I was trying to draw a girl wearing a fancy dress, and while drawing I got the idea of a girl who lost everything, and once was a daughter of a king or a billionaire. I've got plenty of other examples where drawing picture gives me inspiration.

Any kinds of book, even comic books make me think about myself. If I read a comic book, even if it is made only for comedy, I think about myself, comparing myself and the character in the book, and thinking about what would I do when I got in a situation like that. Most of all, if I read a story about someone famous, or some miracle, I assure to myself that one day, I will become a famous person just like the person in the story or someone even better.
Did you enjoy it? It is not a perfect post, but if you liked it, thanks a lot. I will write more posts soon. But remember, it was a class assignment! Thank you for reading it, and have a nice day.^^